Alliance Centre for Corporate and Commercial Law (ACCL)

About the Centre

Alliance School of Law has set up an exclusive Centre for Corporate and Commercial Law, named as the Alliance Centre for Corporate and Commercial Law (ACCL), which offers a unique and powerful approach to prepare students to become transactional lawyers representing businesses and investors. After graduating, a student who has participated in the Corporate Concentration should have a theoretical and substantive foundation for corporate law fundamentals, including business associations, mergers and acquisitions and securities regulation.

ACCL promotes advanced research and outreach activities among faculty and students in Corporate and Commercial law.

About the Journal

Alliance Journal of Corporate and Commercial Law (AJCCL) is an annual ONLINE Journal. Alliance Centre for Corporate and Commercial Law (ACCL), Alliance School of Law, Alliance University, Bengaluru here by invites original and unpublished research papers in the arena of Corporate and Commercial Law for publication in the Alliance Journal of Corporate and Commercial Law (AJCCL). The Journal is a double peer-reviewed publication from the School of Law, Alliance University. It aims to publish quality research papers which have much literary and practical relevance and application. This journal would provide content and insight into all aspects of Corporate and Commercial Law and serve as a legal platform which promotes research culture by contributing quality content and reporting noteworthy findings. Contributions are invited from academics, researchers and practitioners. High consideration will be given to articles with a strong policy, theoretical or reform focus. The authors will be encouraged to explore various Contemporary issues relating to Corporate and Commercial law.

Aims and Objectives

Discussions: To bring academicians, professionals, legal experts, economists, regulators, banking and financial law experts and students on panels for discussions, as subject of Corporate Law is multidisciplinary in nature.
Research: To promote quality research and learning among faculties and students in the various segments of Corporate and Commercial law.
Journals: To publish journals for research papers written by students, academicians, and professionals. Also, to plan for Yearly Journals and Weekly Newsletters.
Collaborations: To collaborate with other organizations/institutions/universities in academic and research matters.
Conferences / Panel discussions: To conduct panel discussions, roundtables, seminars and conferences.
Special Sessions for students: To invite members of regulatory authorities, government officials, executives of companies, professionals, and academicians for conducting special sessions.
Exchange ideas: ACCL provides an opportunity for scholars, regulators, practitioners, faculties, and law students to exchange ideas, debate issues and discuss ongoing research. ACCL solidify its commitment in preparing students for successful careers in Corporate and Commercial law.
Courses: Conduct Certificate Courses on Corporate and Commercial law.


  • Chief Patron
  • Mr. Abhay G. Chebbi
    Alliance University, Bengaluru
  • Advisors
  • Dr. V. Shyam Kishore
    Interim Dean, Alliance School of Law
    Alliance University, Bengaluru

Faculty In-charge of the Centre

  • Dr. Rashmi K. S.
    Associate Professor, Alliance School of Law (Centre Co-ordinator)
  • Dr. Sujith Surendran P.
    Professor, Alliance School of Law (Member Secretary)
  • Dr. Gyanashree Dutta
    Assistant Professor, Alliance School of Law (Member)
  • Mr. Shashank Kumar
    Assistant Professor, Alliance School of Law (Member)
  • Ms. Priyanka Sonowal
    Assistant Professor, Alliance School of Law (Member)
  • Mr. Rahul Shaw
    Assistant Professor, Alliance School of Law (Member)



Text and Case comments on International Trade Law

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Text and Case Comments on Insolvency and Bankrupty Laws

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ACCL Newsletter
Vol 01, Issue 01
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ACCL Newsletter
Vol 02, Issue 01

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ACCL Newsletter
Vol 02, Issue 02

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ACCL Newsletter
Vol 03, Issue 01

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